.. _extract_de_durations: ============ :mod:`lexnlp.extract.de.durations`: Extracting durations ============ The :mod:`lexnlp.extract.de.durations` module contains methods that allow for the extraction of durations from text for "DE" locale. Sample durations that are covered by this module include: * 14. Lebensjahr * 25. Lebensjahres * Kalenderjahr * fünfundzwanzig Jahren * zwei Monate * 3 Wochen * zwanzig tage The full list of current unit test cases can be found here: https://github.com/LexPredict/lexpredict-lexnlp/tree/master/lexnlp/extract/de/tests/test_durations .. currentmodule:: lexnlp.extract.de.durations Extracting durations ---------------- .. autofunction:: get_duration_list Example :: >>> import lexnlp.extract.de.durations >>> text = "zwanzig tage" >>> print(lexnlp.extract.de.durations.get_duration_list(text)) [{'location_start': 0, 'location_end': 12, 'source_text': 'zwanzig tage', 'unit_name_local': 'tage', 'unit_name': 'day', 'unit_prefix': '', 'amount': 20, 'amount_days': 20}] .. autofunction:: get_durations Example :: >>> import lexnlp.extract.de.durations >>> text = "3 Wochen" >>> print(list(lexnlp.extract.de.durations.get_durations(text))) [{'location_start': 0, 'location_end': 8, 'source_text': '3 Wochen', 'unit_name_local': 'wochen', 'unit_name': 'week', 'unit_prefix': '', 'amount': 3.0, 'amount_days': 21.0}]