.. _extract_en_ratios: ============ :mod:`lexnlp.extract.en.ratios`: Extracting ratios ============ The :mod:`lexnlp.extract.en.ratios` module contains methods that allow for the extraction of ratio statements from text. Example statements include: * 3:1 * 3.0:1.0 * three to one The full list of current unit test cases can be found here: https://github.com/LexPredict/lexpredict-lexnlp/tree/master/test_data/lexnlp/extract/en/tests/test_ratios .. currentmodule:: lexnlp.extract.en.ratios Extracting conditions ---------------- .. autofunction:: get_ratios Example :: >>> import lexnlp.extract.en.ratios >>> text = "At a leverage ratio of no more than ten to one." >>> print(list(lexnlp.extract.en.ratios.get_ratios(text))) [(10, 1, 10.0)] >>> text = "At a leverage ratio of no more than 2.5:1." >>> print(list(lexnlp.extract.en.ratios.get_ratios(text))) [(2.5, 1.0, 2.5)]