.. _changes: ============ Changelog ============ 1.6.0 - May 27, 2020 ---------------- * Update psutil package version from 5.4.0 to 5.6.6. 1.4.0 - December 20, 2019 ---------------- * Improved accuracy of locating and converting date phrases into typed format. * Introduced new text vectorizing and classifying models. * Implemented ML-based definitions locator. 1.3.0 - November 1, 2019 ---------------- * Made massive improvements to EN definitions and companies parsers. * Updated EN dates parser to catch more date formats. * Made company parsing strongly typed 0.2.7 - August 1, 2019 ---------------- * Standardized LexNLP methods response to return a generator of Annotation objects or a generator of dictionaries (tuples) * Improved LexNLP handling for definitions for the "EN" locale. * Improved LexNLP handling for companies for the "EN" locale. * Improved sentence splitting logic. * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. * Updated python requirements in python-requirements*.txt. * Dropped support for python 3.4 and 3.5. 0.2.6 - Jun 12, 2019 ---------------- * Improved LexNLP handling for dates for all locales. * Improved LexNLP handling for currencies for "EN" locale. * Updated documentation for ReadTheDocs. * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.2.5 - Mar 1, 2019 ---------------- * Improved LexNLP handling for courts for "DE" and "ES" locales. * Improved LexNLP handling for dates for "ES" locale. * Improved LexNLP handling for amounts, acts, regulations and definitions for "EN" locale. * Added CUSIP parser for "EN" locale. * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.2.4 - Feb 1, 2019 ---------------- * Added universal courts parser, configured LexNLP handling for courts for "DE" locale. * Added universal dates parser, configured LexNLP handling for dates for "DE" and "ES" locales. * Added definitions, citations and dates parsers for "DE" locale. * Added amounts, percents and durations parsers for "DE" locale. * Added geo entities parser for "DE" locale. * Added courts and definitions parsers for "ES" locale. * Added acts parser for "EN" locale. * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.2.3 - Jan 10, 2019 ---------------- * Updated python requirements. * Improved LexNLP handling for definitions and paragraphs. * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.2.2 - Sep 30, 2018 ---------------- * Improved LexNLP handling for different date formats. * Improved LexNLP handling for titles. * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.2.1 - Aug 24, 2018 ---------------- * Updated python requirements. * Improved LexNLP handling for amounts. * Optimized processing of sentences and titles. * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.2.0 - Aug 1, 2018 ---------------- * Improved LexNLP handling for addresses and sentences. * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.1.9 - Jul 1, 2018 ---------------- * Improved handling of TOC during sentence processing. * Added contracts locator to LexNLP. * Improved LexNLP handling for citations, titles and definitions. * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.1.8 - May 1, 2018 ---------------- * Improved LexNLP handling for addresses and currencies. * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.1.7 - Apr 1, 2018 ---------------- * Improved LexNLP handling for companies, organizations and dates. * Implemented generating train/test dataset for addresses. * Exclude common false positives for persons parser. 0.1.6 - Mar 1, 2018 ---------------- * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.1.5 - Feb 1, 2018 ---------------- * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.1.4 - Jan 1, 2018 ---------------- * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. * Implemented method to get sentence ranges in addition to sentence texts. 0.1.3 - Dec 1, 2017 ---------------- * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.1.2 - Nov 1, 2017 ---------------- * Implemented LexNLP title locator. * Implemented additional LexNLP transforms for skipgrams and n-grams. * Improved LexNLP handling for parties with abbreviations and other cases. * Improved LexNLP handling for amounts with mixed alpha and numeric characters. * Improved LexNLP unit test coverage. 0.1.1 - Oct 1, 2017 ---------------- * Improve unit test framework handling for language and locales. * Implemented method and input-level CPU and memory benchmarking for unit tests. * Migrated all unit tests to 60 separate CSV files. * Added over 1,000 new unit tests for most LexNLP methods. * Reduced memory usage for paragraph and section segmenters. * Improved handling of brackets and parentheses within noun phrases. * Added URL locator to LexNLP. * Added trademark locator to LexNLP. * Added copyright locator to LexNLP. * Improved default Punkt sentence boundary detection. * Added custom sentence boundary training methods. * Improved handling of multilingual text, especially around geopolitical entities. * Improved default handling of party names with non-standard characters. * Enhanced metadata related to party type in LexNLP. * Improved continuous integration for public repositories. 0.1.0 - Sep 1, 2017 ---------------- * Refactored and integrate core extraction into separate LexNLP package. * Released nearly 200 unit tests with over 500 real-world test cases in LexNLP. * Improved definition, date, and financial amount locators for corner cases. * Integrated PII locator for phone numbers, SSNs, and names from LexNLP. * Integrated ratio locator from LexNLP. * Integrated percent locator from LexNLP. * Integrated regulatory locator from LexNLP. * Integrated distance locator from LexNLP. * Integrated case citation locator from LexNLP. * Improved geopolitical locator to allow non-master-data entity location. * Improved party locator to allow configuration and better handle corner cases