lexnlp.nlp.en.segments.sections: Segmenting sections in text

The lexnlp.nlp.en.segments.sections module contains methods for segmenting text into zero or more sections.


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lexnlp.nlp.en.segments.sections Module

Section segmentation for English.

This module implements section segmentation in English using simple machine learning classifiers.

  • Standardize model (re-)generation


build_document_line_distribution(text[, …]) Build document and line character distribution for section segmenting based on fixed character, optionally normalizing vector.
build_section_break_features(lines, line_id, …) Build a feature vector for a given line ID with given parameters.
get_sections((text[, window_pre, …]) Get sections from text.


MODULE_PATH str(object=’‘) -> str
SECTION_SEGMENTER_MODEL A decision tree classifier.